Your dragon is midnight blue Giocerth!
"blue Giocerth" by Chris S. Baily
Your dragon is midnight-blue Giocerth – the handsomest blue in the class – no, in the Weyr – no, in all of Pern...
Ah, yes, that's Giocerth talking, all right. And it's hard to disagree with him. He's the most exquisite deep blue, evenly coloured from muzzle to tail-fork, with the exception of the paler patches on his right shoulder – not a flaw, you were quick to reassure him when he first noticed them, but a striking feature resembling a cluster of stars in the night-sky blue of his hide. (On reflection, you wish you'd never made the comparison. Showing off his stars has made Giocerth even more vain).
And, yes, Giocerth is dreadfully vain. Nothing will do but he's the centre of attention. Sometimes you wonder if he's actually bronze under all that dark blue. But while he's highly competitive with the other blues – and smugly pleased that he's larger than some of the browns – he seems to be content to be blue – so long as you, and everyone else, acknowledge that he's the very handsomest, cleverest, most perfect...
Good luck at bathtimes. Giocerth's going to take forever to get clean to his own exacting standards!