A gallery of all the artwork from Dragonchoice and Dragonchoice 2, including some bonus extras.
Art from Dragonchoice and Dragonchoice 2
Every piece of art from Dragonchoice and Dragonchoice 2.

‘Darshanth’s rescue’ by Ssthisto

‘Staredown’ by Martin Vire

‘Pierdeth’ by Amanda Davis

‘Search rider and blue’ by Mir Dose

‘Weyrleader L’dro’ by Renee Spahr

“Impression” by Charlotte Moore

‘Journeyman’ by Renee Spahr

‘Disappointment’ by Charlotte Moore

‘Companions’ by Ssthisto

‘Bronze rider’ by Renee Spahr

‘Indioth’ by Melissa Cuthill

‘Rescue’ by Charlotte Moore

‘Blooding’ by Mir Dose

‘Storm’ by Amelia Stoner

‘Shimpath’s clutch’

‘Hatching’ by Martin Vire

‘Early arrivals’ by Rebecca Camfield

‘Shimpath and clutch’ by Joey Wood

‘C’mine’ by Renee Spahr

‘E’rom and Sigith’ by Brad Hicks

‘Weyrleader’s bronze’ by Gemma Legacy

‘New friends’ by Daniel Falck

‘Trebruth’ by C Ssthisto Baily

‘Weyrmates’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Weyrlingmaster’s Advice’ by Sam Hogg

‘Valonna’s sampler’ by Brenda Appleby

‘Bath time’ by Fredrik Andersson

‘Old brown’ by Daniel Falck

‘Napping’ by Sam Hogg

‘Greens’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘K’ston’ by Renee Spahr

‘Nice weather’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘C’los’ by Renee Spahr

‘Before the storm’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Sh’zon’ by Renee Spahr

‘Alert’ by Brad Hicks

‘Loyal bronze’ by Melanie Reynolds

‘Crippled’ by Melanie Reynolds

‘T’kamen’ by Daniel Falck

‘Kawanth and Trebruth’ by Andreas Weisz

‘Council of war’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Search’ by Melanie Reynolds

‘Catch’ by Amanda Phillips

‘Challenge’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Triumphant’ by Lauri Williamson

‘Guardian’ by Jen Bagge

‘Madellon Weyr’ by Lauri Williamson

‘Entranced’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Mother’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Hatchling queen’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Hatchling’ by Lauri Williamson

‘In distress’ by Fredrik Andersson

‘Gladrags and fire-lizards’ by Daniel Falck

‘Green weyrlings’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Abduction’ by Paul Taaks

‘Twilight Dragon’ by Julia ‘Myaah’ B

‘Struggle’ by Lauri Williamson

‘Catch!’ by Paul Taaks

‘The future’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Alpha bronze’ by Sam Hogg
Bonus images
These illustrations weren’t used in either Dragonchoice or Dragonchoice 2 – some were used as promotional posters, while others depict characters after the events of Dragonchoice 2!

‘Darshanth and C’mine’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Weyrling and green’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Waiting’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Green rider’ by Fredrik Andersson

‘Queen weyrlings’ by Jenni Juntunen

‘Bronze’ by Ssthisto (unfinished)
These icons from Dragonchoice 2 are available for you to download for your own non-commercial use (please don’t hotlink direct to the files).

‘Gold’ by Martin Vire

‘Bronze’ by Martin Vire

‘Bronze 2’ by Martin Vire

‘Brown’ by Martin Vire

‘Blue’ by Martin Vire

‘Green’ by Martin Vire

‘White’ by Martin Vire