Your dragon is sky blue !

"blue " by Chris S. Baily
Your dragon is sky-blue , and he's the best boy ever. Not just the best blue ever (though clearly he is), but the bestest, goodest boy that Madellon's ever seen.
Everyone's going to love – it's impossible not to love a dragonet as willing and eager-to-please as your blue. And it doesn't hurt that he's such a big, handsome fellow, either. He has the most beautiful subtle mottling to his hide, in many shades of blue, that add up to a particularly gorgeous whole. But 's not vain, and that's endearing too.
Now, the Weyrlingmaster's going to complain that he's too good – too passive, too submissive, too unquestioningly obedient. But he is a blue, and – unlike some of his colour-mates in the class – he has no ambitions beyond the natural order. If you do – well, that's something you'll have to reconcile with 's gentle nature.
But –- oh, what a gentle nature he has. And how lucky you are to be the rider of such a very kind and loving dragon.