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Dragonchoice: Recap

So you’ve played Dragonchoice: Candidate. Impressed a dragon. Maybe Impressed all the dragons. Died, washed out, been left standing. But what you really want is what comes next for your brand-new weyrling and his or her dragonet.

The full sequel to Dragonchoice: Candidate is in development. But you can continue your weyrling’s story right now, in Dragonchoice: Recap!

Play now!

What is Dragonchoice: Recap?

Recap is a minisode – a smaller, shorter story bridging the gap between Dragonchoice: Candidate and Dragonchoice: Weyrling. It’s not a game like Candidate, but all the choices and decisions your weyrling made on Impression day will be reflected in it. You’ll get to know your dragonet better, learn a little more about what’s going on at Madellon Weyr – and become entangled in a new mystery!

What to expect from Dragonchoice: Recap?

  • Load in your Dragonchoice: Candidate export codes, or weyrlings saved to your browser, and re-live Impression day from a new perspective!
  • Fabulous new original artwork from Dragonchoice artist Chris S. Baily!
  • A chance to rename your weyrling – or fix a broken name!
  • Over forty new Achievements to unlock!
  • A new mystery unfolding – with your weyrling at the heart of it!
  • Unique shareable Recap pages for every run you post to the Dragonchoice site!

Play now!

How can I load my weyrling into Dragonchoice: Recap?

There are several ways you can load your weyrling into Recap:

  • Load a weyrling from your browser – if you saved a weyrling to your browser at the end of Candidate, you can retrieve them directly from there
  • Paste in an export code – if you saved the long export code at the end of Candidate to a results page, or saved it locally, you can paste it into Recap to retrieve them. If you have a Dragonchoice account with Candidate runs saved to it, you should be able to copy your export codes from there – login now to find them.

What if I don’t have a weyrling?

No problem – you can still play Dragonchoice: Candidate here to create a candidate and Impress a dragonet! Just remember to save your weyrling at the end of the game!

Play Dragonchoice: Candidate!

Dragonchoice: Recap
N'morin and blue Morozoth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Sh'ima and green Dardenth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Macha and blue Carpath's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
June and blue Tofieth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Margi and green Honnath's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
W'lar and blue Moraceth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
M'ret and blue Damapath's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Casey and green Sopranth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Tarrin and green Wreth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Margi and green Aridath's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
D'wain and bronze Keplarth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Margaret and green Bajinth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
S'blay and brown Lienth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
C'orbu and bronze Niaceth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
O'borne and brown Giorarth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
S'ban and green Armisenth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Z'raq and brown Shumalth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Esme and green Lacisteth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Heather and green Cleveth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
D'van and bronze Wafyth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
D'van and bronze Sydranth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
R'nis and brown Diniuth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Lo'ki and bronze Tessianth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
Sh’nan and green Entalth's story so far!
Dragonchoice: Recap
D'van and brown Musaceth's story so far!
View the full Recap Record Room!

Known bugs and anomalies

There are some bugs from Candidate that Recap fixes, as well as some unfixable known bugs in Recap. We were limited by the information saved in your export codes, so some fine detail of your weyrling's Hatching day information may be slightly inaccurate. Well, nobody's perfect, are they?

Oh. Vanzanth has just said: Speak for yourself.

Known bugs (no need to report):

  • assumption that you spoke to M'shen even if you didn't
  • accused of shoving Terzon the Weyrbrat even if you didn't
  • accused of lying to blue rider G'tron even if you didn't
  • mentioned that you told the Weyrlingmaster where to find your rival even if you didn't
  • assumption that you encountered the Southerners even if you didn't
  • incorrect failure state of Jopha's robe quest
  • brown rider J'her assumed to have made a pass at older candidates even if he didn't
  • assumption that you helped T'rello or T'gala even if you didn't owing to a cut hand

Bugs from Candidate fixed in Recap:

  • early version of Candidate allowed some players to Impress the same dragon as their classmate – fixed by changing the classmate in Recap
  • bug where the wrong friend was set in Candidate – fixed by changing the classmate in Recap
  • bug where a Pantsed rival still Impressed – fixed
  • 'true' bug where weyrling name was not saved correctly – fixable now in Recap
  • unsuitable/obscene names allowed in Candidate flagged for change in Recap