Dragonchoice 3: Weyrleader of Pern
He’s waiting in the wings
He speaks of senseless things
His script is you and me, boy
— David Bowie, Time
The riders of Madellon Weyr are still reeling from the dramatic events of Hatching Day. But when a mysterious tragedy befalls some of the young weyrlings, Weyrleader T’kamen and his bronze Epherineth set out on an epic quest to discover what went wrong.
And Weyrwoman Valonna must learn to take the weight of the Weyr on her shoulders as the epic final chapter of the Dragonchoice trilogy spans all of Pern…and journeys through time itself…
The Dragonriders of Pern® is © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2021, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Dragonchoice © Faye Upton.
All artwork © its respective artist and used with permission.
- I wouldn’t have got through this monster without the wonderful Laurie Hicks, whose advice, feedback, and inhuman patience have been completely indispensable from start to finish.
- Katherine Inskip and Jennifer Quail have provided invaluable beta-reading services. And also astrophysics, obviously.
- Melanie Reynolds continues to both awe and inspire me with her artistic talent, which you’ll find through Dragonchoice 3.
- Amy Brennan for short-notice beta-reading, commentary, and art.
- Multi-Facets for artwork of Valonna.
- Emily Holland for many gorgeous paintings.
- Ssthisto for illustrating all three Dragonchoice novels
You can find all the artwork for Dragonchoice 3 at the Dragonchoice 3 art page!
Dragonchoice 3 ebooks
- Dragonchoice 3 ebook in MOBI (for Kindle)
- Dragonchoice 3 ebook in EPUB (for most everything else, including iPad, iPhone, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, Blackberry, FBReader etc)