Your dragon is cloudy green Gehyrath!

"green Gehyrath" by Chris S. Baily
Your dragon is cloudy-green Gehyrath, and – well, there's no queen in the class, but someone has to speak out for the girls, don't they – and Gehyrath has appointed herself the prime candidate!
The Weyrlingmaster approves greatly of Gehyrath's sensible, no-nonsense nature. Particularly in a class full of the usual wher-headed bronzes, try-hard browns, do-nothing blues, and empty-witted greens – at least, that's how Gehyrath characterises it. She, however, is an exemplary green: well-mannered, well-behaved, and honest to a fault. (To such a fault, in fact, that you'd better not break any rules yourself, lest your own dragon dob you in!)
Really, all the conventional wisdom about greens goes out of the window with Gehyrath. She's not silly or reckless or simple, and she certainly won't be dribbling over all the males when the time comes – they may court her. And court her they will, because Gehyrath is a very pretty green indeed, a classic pale Madellon dragon.
Is she rather bossy – well, yes, she is. And you're first in line to be bossed. But in Gehyrath you have an unusually level-headed green – not the norm at all!