Dragonchoice 3 artwork
This is the home for artwork associated with Dragonchoice 3: Weyrleader of Pern.
This is the home for artwork associated with Dragonchoice 3: Weyrleader of Pern.
Amy Brennan’s illustration of bronze Sejanth from Dragonchoice 3: Weyrleader of Pern.
Multi-Facets’ design for Valonna from Dragonchoice 3: Weyrleader of Pern.
Amy’s lovely painting captures this tender moment between Carleah and Jagunth.
Madellon’s Weyrlingmaster, L’stev, and his old brown Vanzanth preside over the Wildfire weyrlings’ first jumps between.
Everybody needs a Darshanth in their life.
Baby wherries don’t quite have the same adorable appeal as dragonets or fire-lizards.
No one’s going to mess with this dragonet queen – not even the formidable Tezonth.
Darshanth leads the Wildfire dragonets on a gallop around the lake – while a breathless C’mine listens to M’touf’s confession.
If you haven’t read as far as chapter thirty-eight of Dragonchoice 3, I won’t spoil the context of this visceral image…
Illustration from the prologue of Dragonchoice 3 – it was a few chapters before anyone figured out who the lost dragonpair here actually was!
From chapter 53 of Dragonchoice 3 – T’kamen’s brown fire-lizard Fetch, proving that you don’t have to be a dragon to cause fiery destruction…
And then the sky was full of dragon.
All right, you’ve got me – this isn’t from Dragonchoice 3. It’s a glorious re-imagining of Darshanth’s rescue of C’mine from the wildfire in Dragonchoice.
Otherwise known as ‘Holy size difference, Batman!’ (or ‘Epherineth wasn’t kidding when he said he’d turn a Pass green inside out…’)